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Research Replication

Shown is the original research image and then the hand drawn replication I completed for a Graduate History of Design Styles class.
Original - The Prophet Moses Stained glass window


Original - Hellenistic Period Gold Earring

Original - Duncan Phyfe Couch

Final Rendering
Scenic Design for Violet Final Rendering - Using Photoshop

Concept Statement
Unrealized scenic design for Lysistrata
Ground plan and rendering are shown below

I decided to place Lysistrata in Washington, DC in 1968 during the Vietnam War. Washington, DC was the center for the largest Vietnam War protest assembly, gathering between 15,000 and 20,000 people, making it very important. I decided to make the front of the Capitol building take the place of the Acropolis. There are many different levels and platforms, therefore portraying the different levels of power in the play. The women are placed higher up in parts of the play, showing their power of fate of the war over the men. There are also many protest signs and banners that fill the walls of the scene to accentuate the war and the want for women for it to be over. The signs are white with red writing. The red indicates the Vietnam patches and buttons worn during the war as well as the flag colors of both Vietnam and the United States. The stone that makes up the Capitol is a marble. It is a dull brown and grey color to not take away from the costumes and the signs.